Our Literacy Beliefs
OPES Literacy Beliefs
- We believe students should have easy access to high quality texts, decodable texts, a variety of genres and that they should have the opportunity for choice over the types of books they read with ample time.
- We believe our goal is to develop proficient readers so that they may be successful participants in the real world.
- We believe students grow best, as readers, when they have opportunities for individualized and small group instruction.
- We believe teachers must have a strong knowledge of their students’ reading behaviors as well as a skilled repertoire of teaching strategies (including Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension) to make the most impact on reading achievement.
- We believe reading and writing should be integrated into all content areas.
- We believe comprehension is the ultimate goal of reading and students must be able to communicate about what they read.
- We believe students need authentic experiences and purposes for reading and writing.