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Student Nutrition



Our cafeteria staff serves breakfast and lunch at school every school day. Breakfast and lunch will be served in the classroom this year. Menus, nutritional and allergen information are available on our website and teachers post the menu in their rooms. There is also a free App available for your smartphone, Mealviewer.  

The meal costs for students are as follows for the 2023-2024 school year:

  • Breakfast | $1.35

  • Lunch | $2.25

The cafeteria also offers extra sale items, milk, ice cream, juice, water and snacks to purchase. If a parent does not want their student to buy snacks, they must complete a form stating that. This form can be found here. All foods served by the cafeteria meet state and federal guidelines.  Our kitchens are tree nut and peanut safe.

The following are easy ways to pay for extra items purchased through the cafeteria:

  • Online via the district website’s Pay Fees lunch card feature. You are also able to see meal purchases and balances. You can set up email alerts for balances on Parent Portal.

  • By a separate check made out to your school’s cafeteria. The check should not include other school fees. Please note the child's cafeteria account number on the check - if the check is written for more than one child, each child's account number and the amount to credit to each child should be noted on the check. Include a phone number.

  • Cash is also accepted as payment but is strongly discouraged as it can be lost.

  • Transfer of funds from one sibling to another is also available via the Student Nutrition tab on the website.

Applications for free and reduced-price meals are available at all times in the school office, in the cafeteria and on the district website and you can apply online at  Students must reapply each school year.

Our cafeteria does not deny students meals and we allow students to charge meals up to $15. Automated calls, emails and letters are sent out weekly for students who owe the cafeteria money. If your student owes more than $15 a charged alternate meal will be provided until payment is received or a payment plan is established. (FMSD Board Policy ADF)


Classroom Activities/Celebrations

Due to the number of food allergies, homemade or home baked foods are not allowed to be distributed to students within the classroom or applicable classroom setting.  Acceptable foods for distribution are those items that were prepared in a commercial and/or licensed kitchen, and most importantly, are packaged with a label clearly listing the contents and ingredients of the food item.  Please be mindful that if your child is in an allergy classroom, food brought in may not be allowed to go to the cafeteria and/or classroom depending upon the ingredient list.  For example, if there is a peanut allergy in your child’s classroom, the packaging must clearly state that it does not contain peanuts.  With the continued rise in severe and often life-threatening food allergies, this policy (Board Policy J LCDD) is designed to provide consistency and minimize allergy risks in all classrooms district-wide, while maintaining a safe and positive learning environment for all students.  If you wish to “play it safe” the best option is to refrain from sending in food and opt for pencils, erasers, stickers, etc… 

Our district also has a Wellness Policy (Board Policy ADF and Board Policy EFE). For more information, review the FMSD District Policy.